Tagged: advertising

Skills Needed To Be a Good Designer

So, I came across this on tumblr, I do not really agree with the dots for Graphic Design being so limited, because I feel as if one needs skill in more than just seven of these areas.


As a graphic designer, I am going to need my creative thinking – someone else is not always going to just hand me a concept. As a graphic designer, I need the ability to communicate my ideas and concepts just as much as any other designer. As a graphic designer, I may not need to draw as well as a fine artist, but it sure would help. Anyways, you get the idea, however I feel like this kinda gives a good idea on why I believe it is important to have an education in graphic design. Thankfully I have learned what it takes to start building a portfolio that rounds up a good amount of these topics, as well as promote myself and communicate my ideas. So yeah.

Also, Obama is aggravating me in this debate, rep/dem you should be able to agree that he’s not really answering questions.. This moderator sucks. No more Candy!