Tagged: illustration

Some super good typography,

I’ve always been a sucker for typography, even when I was young. In high school art classes I always ended up putting words/lettering into my projects. Its just some sort of an identifier for me. Letters are pretty cool.. anyhow. Here are some seriously amazing pieces of typography that I’ve gathered up for you guys from all over on the interwebs..just kidding, these are all from Behance. 🙂

Carl Fredrik Angell

Jackson Alves

Antonio Rodriguez Jr

Mauro Andres

Pedro Javier Arbelaez

Alan Guzman





Skills Needed To Be a Good Designer

So, I came across this on tumblr, I do not really agree with the dots for Graphic Design being so limited, because I feel as if one needs skill in more than just seven of these areas.


As a graphic designer, I am going to need my creative thinking – someone else is not always going to just hand me a concept. As a graphic designer, I need the ability to communicate my ideas and concepts just as much as any other designer. As a graphic designer, I may not need to draw as well as a fine artist, but it sure would help. Anyways, you get the idea, however I feel like this kinda gives a good idea on why I believe it is important to have an education in graphic design. Thankfully I have learned what it takes to start building a portfolio that rounds up a good amount of these topics, as well as promote myself and communicate my ideas. So yeah.

Also, Obama is aggravating me in this debate, rep/dem you should be able to agree that he’s not really answering questions.. This moderator sucks. No more Candy!

I should be sleeping

Instead I scanned in one of my pieces for an article spread I’m doing for my portfolio. Here’s to my homeland.

Thats the U.P. of Michigan. I am a yooper turned well, whatever the heck I am.

Anyways, I doodled this up, fell in love with it, and changed some projects around.

But like the title says, I should be asleep. So, have a nice evening…my caffeine from this evening finally wore off..


(Follow this link to get free shipping on this print from Society6 till October 14th!)


Okay, so after my previous post, you probably noticed that I stress the idea of sketch books like a freaking crazy person.. Well that’s because it is important. For example, here are FOUR pages from my current sketch book..

The idea of the sketchbook isnt to create this beautiful idealistic art piece. You have to get over the idea that when people look through it, that you want them to be amazed by every little thing in your book. Sketchbooks are for recording your thoughts, exercising your hand, and a little repetition.

When I sit down with my sketchbook, normally I have my iPad out, skimming through photos, through type faces, and through quotes. Chances are a lot of what goes into my sketchbook will never make it into a final piece, but thats alright. Its alright because my sketchbook is for me to practice my hand lettering, sketch out various different ideas for logos, and play with colors. I also use my sketchbook to come up with ideas for lino prints, and if the final block is small enough, I normally print in my book as well.

I keep a small sketchbook, and a larger one.. I am pretty stuck on Moleskiné sketchbooks for my smaller ones, and Moleskiné unlined notebooks for the larger ones. The Micron pens show through the pages a little when I scan in my pages, but thats not a problem at all.

One other thing I do is work with paper that pulls out of the sketch pads (watercolor/sketch paper) and when I get enough of it worked on, I bind it at work (The UPS Store) so that the pages stay together!

So in closing, dont stress if some of your pages look like garbage! Your sketchbook is not for your friends to love looking through (although if they are anything like mine, even garbage sketches get them excited) its for you to exercise your design skills, help you not forget a random idea you have or a quote you like. Dont worry about things being perfect, if you want it perfect, scan it in and refine it. Begin in the sketchbook, end with the printer.

Go sketch!

Oh my heart.

So just like any other great college student, I was procrastinating on tumblr tonight, and I came across this.


I have no idea who to credit with this wonderful piece, so if anyone knows where this was originally posted/who the original poster is, PLEASE comment so I can credit them!

But as soon as I saw it, I knew that some how, some way I need this. I need this, and I need to make a trip to Michigan to create this, and use my wonderful grama’s long arm and just make it. How many times and synonyms do I need to say in order to further explain how much I need this, wanna make it, and gotta have this??!

Looks like another thing to add to my creative bucket list.

– Home


So this afternoon, after a crazy week – I figured a good way to calm it all down would be to play on the laser.

After buying a 2×4′ piece of Aspen (i said experiment right?) I came home, and got a little dirty.

Measure twice, cut once (Make sure if you’re gonna measure all the pieces out that you remember to add in the 8th of an inch that the saw will eat – i cut on the right side of my lines, with what will be the finished piece to the left of my blade, just so i never get confused.)

Used this puppy to cut up my wood.

Always check your blade height, you want it just above the height of the plank you’re cutting, otherwise you could get hurt – dont lose fingers guys..

I make messes, but i make them well.

(My finger looks distorted, but whatever) always measure, and remember what side of the line to cut on – use arrows if you have to.

Here are the final pieces.

Cut that baby into pieces to do the following sized prints.

  • 18×24″
  • 13×19″
  • 8×10″
  • 5×7″

I’ll do a second post after I throw together some typography stuff 😉