Tagged: Printmaking


So this afternoon, after a crazy week – I figured a good way to calm it all down would be to play on the laser.

After buying a 2×4′ piece of Aspen (i said experiment right?) I came home, and got a little dirty.

Measure twice, cut once (Make sure if you’re gonna measure all the pieces out that you remember to add in the 8th of an inch that the saw will eat – i cut on the right side of my lines, with what will be the finished piece to the left of my blade, just so i never get confused.)

Used this puppy to cut up my wood.

Always check your blade height, you want it just above the height of the plank you’re cutting, otherwise you could get hurt – dont lose fingers guys..

I make messes, but i make them well.

(My finger looks distorted, but whatever) always measure, and remember what side of the line to cut on – use arrows if you have to.

Here are the final pieces.

Cut that baby into pieces to do the following sized prints.

  • 18×24″
  • 13×19″
  • 8×10″
  • 5×7″

I’ll do a second post after I throw together some typography stuff 😉